Sometimes it is useful to programmatically understand the structure of a Lean package or Lake environment. Lake’s internal API is a powerful tool, but isn’t always easy to access. In this post we will explore how to access Lake’s API and look at some example use cases.
Alternatives to consider
Before diving into Lake’s internal API, consider the following alternatives:
- manually parsing
lakefile.{lean, toml}
- manually parsing
. - running
lake check-test
orlake check-lint
to identifytest_driver
Lake’s internal API
When manually parsing is too brittle or doesn’t give enough details, Lake’s internal API provides a powerful, but somewhat inconvenient alternative.
Loading the Lake Workspace
From Lake’s Glossary of Terms:
A workspace is the broadest organizational unit in Lake. It bundles together a package (termed the root), its transitive dependencies, and Lake’s environment. Every package can operate as the root of a workspace and the workspace will derive its configuration from this root.
In our case, the Lake workspace is the key to accessing useful information about our Lake package and environment.
Here are the steps to load Lake’s workspace:
- find the elan, Lake, and Lean installations on your machine
- load the Lake configuration
- load the Lake workspace using the Lake configuration
Lake provides a function for each of these steps,
however accessing these functions from IO
is kind of annoying
because they are wrapped in Lake’s internal monads.
In order to simplify access to the workspace you can wrap all three calls in a function:
import Lake.CLI.Main
open Lake
def loadLakeWorkspace : IO Workspace := do
let (elanInstall?, leanInstall?, lakeInstall?) ← findInstall?
let config ← MonadError.runEIO <| mkLoadConfig { elanInstall?, leanInstall?, lakeInstall? }
let workspace ← MonadError.runEIO <| MainM.runLogIO (loadWorkspace config)
return workspace
Using Lake’s workspace to access information about a Lake package
The Lake documentation contains the spec for the Workspace
structure (link).
Below are a few examples of how to access the workspace
Example: lean_lib
’s in the root package
def leanLibs : IO (List Name) := do
return (← loadLakeWorkspace) (·.name) |>.toList
Example: root modules of lean_exe
or lean_lib
default targets
When running a linter,
you may want to determine all the root Lean modules of your project.
You can leverage the Lake workspace to compile a list of all roots of lean_exe
or lean_lib
build targets
You can run your linter on the root modules.
/-- Returns the root modules of `lean_exe` or `lean_lib` default targets in the Lake workspace. -/
def resolveDefaultRootModules : IO (Array Name) := do
-- load the Lake workspace
let workspace ← loadLakeWorkspace
-- resolve the default build specs from the Lake workspace (based on `lake build`)
let defaultBuildSpecs ← match resolveDefaultPackageTarget workspace workspace.root with
| Except.error e => IO.eprintln s!"Error getting default package target: {e}" *> IO.Process.exit 1
| Except.ok targets => pure targets
-- build an array of all root modules of `lean_exe` and `lean_lib` build targets
let defaultTargetModules := defaultBuildSpecs.concatMap <|
fun target => match with
| BuildInfo.libraryFacet lib _ => lib.roots
| BuildInfo.leanExe exe => #[exe.config.root]
| _ => #[]
return defaultTargetModules
Example repo
Here is an example repo
containing some of the above examples.
You can run lake test
to view the output of leanLibs
and resolveDefaultRootModules
Warning about stability
Since Lake is under active development, the API is not guaranteed to be stable, meaning you may need to update your logic as Lake evolves.